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9 Every Day Things In Your House That Cause Cancer

Writer's picture: Alex StreverAlex Strever

Updated: Feb 25

Cancer is a word which strikes fear into the hearts of most people. An encounter firsthand or via seeing a family member or friend with cancer can be a catalyst for some people to totally reevaluate their lives. Experiences directly or indirectly with disease can be an empowering experience and reminder why taking regular preventative action can go a long way to preserving your health, wellness and mindset.

Cancer can have a variety of causes which are often multifaceted. If we are interested in making positive changes in your diet, environment and lifestyle it is worth considering some of the ways you are being exposed to cancer causing elements every day. Cancer causing agents are everywhere.

A poor diet low in cancer preventing compounds but high in toxic additives, flavorings, colorants, preservatives, pesticides and fungicides introduces toxins into our body which can alter our DNA and encourage the growth of cancer.

Our modern lifestyle bombards us with toxic chemicals which are present in the air, the water and our food. In addition, we have exposure to toxic chemicals in everyday household products like cleaning products, air fresheners and personal care and hygiene products.

It is important to remove or reduce as our exposure and use of these toxic products which encourage the growth of cancer and look to replace them with healthy alternatives.

Fitness and physical activity also help to strengthen the body and build up the immune system to help it prevent or fight cancer. Finally, a positive, healthy, loving mindset actually changes the whole body, making it stronger, healthier and restoring balance and alignment. These are key steps to take to improve our health and lower our risk of experiencing life threatening diseases.

1. Toxic Additives In Food

Foods that are grown using modern industrial agricultural techniques often contain a range of toxic residues, including pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate (active ingredient in roundup)

Which is sprayed on almost all non-organic grain and soy crops in many countries around the world during cultivation and just prior to harvest.

As a starting point check out the environmental working group list of the Dirty Dozen which will give you an idea of the foods that are heavily sprayed with the most chemicals and are the most toxic to est.  Many non-organic foods are also genetically modified, and studies have shown that long term consumption causes tumours in animals and possible Cancer links in humans.

The most common GMO Foods crops are

  • Corn

  • Soybeans

  • Cotton

  • Alfalfa

  • Sugar Beets

  • Canola

  • Squash/Zucchini

  • Papaya

  • Potato

  • Apple

Additionally, many processed foods contain harmful dyes and other additives that have been shown to have a link to certain cancers. Three of the most widely used dyes are Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6, contain known carcinogen according to the Centre for Science in the Public Interest.

Other Cancer-Causing ingredients include polysorbate 80 and carboxymethylcellulose which increase cancer tumour development and low-grade inflammation in the colon. These additives disrupt the gut microbiome, promote inflammation and gene mutations. Foods that contain these ingredients often include ice cream products, creamy beauty products, toothpaste, mouthwash, laxatives, diet pills, water-based paints and detergents.

2. Acrylamides in Fried, Baked and Browned Foods

Acrylamides are cancer causing chemicals that are created when foods are fried, grilled, baked or roasted at high temperatures. It is thought that an amino acid changes its form when heated to become Acrylamide.  High temperature cooking methods such as frying, baking or broiling have been found to produce the most acrylamides, while boiling and steaming produce far less.

Acrylamides are found in the highest concertation in foods which you should be avoiding in any event such as potato chips, corn chips and cereals. However almost all foods which are cooked or baked until crispy or golden brown contain acrylamides. This includes dark beers, dark roasted coffee, bacon and cookies.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) stated that levels of acrylamides in certain foods pose a major concern, and more research is required to determine the dangers it presents to human health.

One study showed that women who consumed only a small serving of potato chips a day had twice the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer. However, the good news is certain foods in your diet can protect you from the harmful effects of acrylamides. Researchers found three dietary elements being tea polyphenols, resveratrol and a substance found in fresh garlic slow down the damage that acrylamides can do to our bodies.

Polyphenols are found in all types of teas, black teas, green tea, red tea etc. However the highest concentrations are found in green tea and white tea.

Resveratrol is the antioxidants found in grape skins, red wine and purple grape juice in large amounts. Resveratrol has also been shown to be highly beneficial to your health in many ways, so this is just one more reason to add it to your diet.

Diallyl Trisulfide is a compound found in fresh garlic that has been roasted, smashed or minced. Besides fighting the harmful effects of acrylamides, it is also a potent immune system booster.

3. Processed Meats

High quality protein in the form of wild caught fish, grass fed met and pasture raised chicken are important to include in a cancer fighting diet. However consuming industrial produced meat from CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) contributes to and encourages the growth of cancer.

Modern industrial meat production raises cattle in crowded filthy conditions. These intensive animal factories want to save costs, therefore the animals a fed cheap feed which makes them grow as fast as possible. As a result, much of what cattle consume in these environments such as grain, soy and corn is not what they are naturally adapted to eating in nature. Below are examples of some ion the ingredients used on animal feeds in factory farms.

  • Same species meat

  • The flesh of other dead animals which died of disease

  • Feathers, hair, skin, hooves, blood, organs

  • Manure

  • Grains and Soy

  • Drugs and chemicals

Obviously feeding cattle the substandard unnatural foods will have health implications down the line for humans who consume the flesh of animals raised in these environments.

Factory farms have lost site of the need to raise animals in humane, hygienic environments and feeding them natural healthy foods and instead focus on animal raising techniques which are purely designed around maximizing profit over the prioritization of animal health or the health of the consumer.

While grains and soy may sound like healthy food for cattle, it is not. Cattle naturally eat grass and leafy greens. Their digestive systems are not designed to process corn and soy which they are forced to eat in feed lots. As a result, feedlot cattle can suffer an array of ailments including indigestion, acidic digestive systems along with liver and colon abscesses. This acidic system fosters the growth of E.coli in the gut and the cattle become sickly.

Grain induced health problems, in turn increase the need for the use of drugs. For example antibiotics are routinely given to cattle to help them gain weight quickly and also to fight of the deadly bacteria which builds up in their gut due to eating corn and soy. The massive amount of antibiotics used in industrials animal agriculture has created new species of deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria that also affects humans.

In addition, the hormones given to livestock raised in factory farms, especially RGBH, a common type of growth hormone is being investigated for possible cancer links in humans. This hormone is suspected to contribute to the growth of cancerous tumours.

CAFO cattle are also given up to six anabolic steroids to make them grown faster. These include

Natural Hormones: Estradiol, testosterone and progesterone

Synthetic Hormones: Estrogen compound zeranol and an adrogen called trenbolone aceate and synthetic progestin.

Measurable levels of these growth promoting hormones are found in the muscle, fat and liver of these cattle.  We know that these hormones, especially the synthetic hormones are potent endocrine disruptors and accelerate cancer in humans, especially sex organ related cancers such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer.

Processed meats are those that have been treated or preserved with chemicals such a nitrites and nitrates and other additives such as sodium, artificial sweeteners, dyes and sugar. Processed meats include deli meats, hotdogs, ham, bacon and sausage.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified processed meats as a human carcinogen. A recent meta analysis of 800 studies found evidence that eating 50 grams of (factory farmed conventional raised) meat every day equivalent to about four strips of bacon or one hot dog increases the risk of colorectal cancer by almost 20% Your best bet is to buy and eat 100% grass fed traditionally raised organic meat, wild caught fish and pasture raised free range chicken.

4. Added Sugar in Foods

Added sugar in foods, especially high fructose corn syrup, various forms of sugar and artificial sweetener not only contributes to obesity (a risk factor for cancer) but also raises blood sugar which is thought to fuel and encourage the growth of certain types of cancer.

While this is still somewhat controversial, there is evidence that high sugar consumption is associated with increased cancer risk. Eating high fructose corn syrup may increase the risk of esophageal cancer, cancer of the small intestine, cancer of the colon, liver, breast and pancreas.

A number of studies have also found that sugar not only contributes to problems like obesity and diabetes which in turn increases your risk of cancer and heart disease, but also increase the risk of growth of tumors and metastasis (spreading of cancer throughout the body) Studies show that people who get 17 to 21 percent of daily calories form sugar face almost a 40% higher risk of deign from cardio vascular disease compared to these who got just 8% of their daily calories from sugar.  Eating whole foods with minimal added ingredients will help to avoid much of the added sugar in processed foods.

5. Processed Grain and Toxins

When you eat food containing grains, especially processed grains they break down into glucose in the body fairly quickly. Eating grains quickly raises blood sugar. Any type of grain that is processed into flour including breads, pastas, cookies, crackers and even thickeners added to soups and gravy is like eating sugar. In addition to refined grains added to many processed foods, these foods often have added sugars. The more processed and altered a food is the more harmful it typically becomes.

Wheat, Soy and Corn crops are highly subsidised by the US government, making them very cheap and widely available for use in processed and refined foods. Many Soy, Corn and Wheat crops are also genetically modified and reguallry spryed with Monsantos Round Up right before harbest as a dessicant. Glyphosate the active ingredient in round up is a known carcinogen and food crops sprayed before harvest contain high concentrations of this toxic chemical.

Rice is another crop which can also be problematic, the reason for this is Arsenic is a toxic and carcinogenic compound found naturally in the ground and water supply. Rice as a grain absorbs some of the highest levels of Arsenic while growing.  Arsenic is a carcinogen known to cause cancer through respiratory exposure and gastrointestinal exposure. In the 1980’s arsenic was officially recognized as a carcinogenic substance and registered with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) There are two types of Arsenic: Organic and Inorganic. Inorganic Arsenic is abundant in nature and considered much more toxic to the human body.

Arsenic has been associated with bladder cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, as well as neurological effects, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and reproductive problems.

Arsenic in rice is a serious health issue because rice plants absorb 10 times more arsenic than other grain plants. It is also found in Apples, apple juice, gluten free foods and red wine. Consumer reports found that Basmati Rice grown in California contained the lowest levels of Arsenic. However brown roce, often considered healthier that white rice contains about 80% more inorganic arsenic when compared to white rice.

Grains are not recommended on a low glycemic diet, anti-cancer diet, but if you do eat grains be sure to eat organic grains. Alternative healthier grains include quinoa, buckwheat, teff and oats. Avoid conventional processed grain products and avoid rice as much as possible.

6. Electromagnetic Frequencies

Our cell phones, televisions, computer screens, Wi-Fi signals, power lines, microwaves and even our electric blankets are all radiating electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) that can disturb the natural bio electrical functions of our bodies. 

EMF’s have been shown to be linked to causing cancer. One of the most significant contributors to cancer caused by EMF’s as demonstrated by scientific study is cell phone use. Cell phone shave been linked to a host of cancer promoting processes, most notably brain tumours.

7. Personal Care Products

Do you really know what in your hygiene and personal care products? What you don’t know could be causing you harm. For example, the environmental working group (EWG) found the carcinogen 1,4 Dioxane was found in 30% of personal care products.

Most recently, evidence suggests that using talc powder and baby powered on the body and genital area can increase the chance of developing ovarian cancer. Based on numerous research studies involving thousands of women, women who have used talcum powder are about 30% more likely to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer than those who do not use talc power.

Many of the approximately 82,000 chemicals used in personal care products are industrial chemicals which include pesticides, carcinogens, reproductive toxins and hormone disruptors. Many of these personal care products also contain plasticizers, industrial degreasers and chemical surfactants. When applied to the bare skin your bloods vessels and skin soak up these chemicals which are absorbed into your blood stream.

The list below includes 12 of the most toxic common ingredients found in personal care products.

  • BHA and BHT

  • Coal Tar Dyes: Pphenylenediamine and colours listed as “CI” followed by a five digit number

  • DEA Created ingredients

  • Dibutyl Phthalate

  • Formadehyde releasing preservatives

  • Parabens

  • Fragrances

  • PEG Compounds

  • Petrolatum

  • Siloxanes

  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate

  • Triclosan

8. Household Cleaners

Household cleaners often contain highly toxic industrial solvents, degreasers and foaming agents. Did you know there is no federal regulation of chemicals used in household cleaners.  In terms of safety there are no standards or testing data for the chemicals in household cleaning products. Many of the chemicals used in cleaning products have not been tested for safety, particularly in combination with other chemicals.

In fact, United States Consumer Products Safety Commission, the regulating body for laundry products, air fresheners and cleaning supplies in America, does not require manufacturers to disclose any of the product ingredients on the product label.

The average home harbors about 62 toxic chemicals, mostly from cleaning chemicals that household occupants are exposed to routinely, from phthalates in synthetic fragrances to the noxious fumes in oven cleaners. Ingredients in common household products have been linked to cancer, asthma, reproductive disorders, hormone disruption and neurotoxicity.

Research has shown that breast cancer risk is twice as high in women who use commercial cleaning products and air fresheners regularly. Mold and mildew cleaners and air fresheners have shown the greatest correlation with breast cancer. Chemicals with the greatest potential to cause the most severe harm include:

Phthalates: Found in air fresheners, dish soap, toilet paper and other products with fragrances.

Perchloroethylene or PERC: Found in cleaning solution, spot removers, carpet and upholstery cleaners.

Triclosan: Found in many hand soaps and dishwashing detergent as an anti-bacterial agent.

Quaternary Ammonium Compounds: (QUATS) Found in fabric softeners and sheets and many cleaners that are labelled anti-bacterial.

2-Butoxyethanol: Found in window, kitchen and multi-purpose cleaners.

Chlorine: Found in scouring powders, dishwasher detergents, toilet bowel cleaners, laundry bleach and more.

1,4 Dioxane: A byproduct of sodium laurel subplate and has been linked to many serious health problems.

In addition, there are many more ingredients in household cleaning products that are highly toxic and carcinogenic. It is best to use totally natural products like regular soap and water, essential oil and vinegar to clean and deodorise your home.

9. Tap Water

Regular tap water in the Unites States is supposed to be clean, but often can contain many unregulated and dangerous toxins including heavy metals like lead and mercury, pesticides, hormones and traces of pharmaceuticals and other pollutants.

Many of us mistakenly think our tap water is safe. However, tap water that comes from a public supply and reservoirs which supply our water are often contaminated with dangerous carcinogenic chemicals.

In fact, a 2009 three-year study conducted by the Environmental Working Group found 316 chemicals in tap water around the U.S. Of the 316 chemicals identified, 202 were not regulated.

Many of the water utility companies that serve small towns do not conduct annual testing for harmful chemicals resulting in situations where no one knows if the tap water is toxic or not.

Larger cities are not necessarily better, our nation's infrastructure and pipes are contaminated with bacteria and copper and lead pipes which require replacement. Many more situations where tap water supplies like that of towns such as Flint Michigan may occur in the near future.

Tap Water contains substances like Atrazine which is a commonly used herbicide. Atrazine ends up in tap water supply due to run off from ground and surface water. Atrazine is a known endocrine disruptor and causes developmental, neurological, reproductive and immune issues. It also raises oestrogen levels in women increasing the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

Aresenic is another toxin in tap water. In 2001 the EPA finally lowered the safe level form 50ppb to 10 ppb, even though the agency pushed to have the maximum limit at 5ppb. Arsenic has been linked ot cancers of the prostate, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin and nasal passages among others.

Flouride is added ot municipal water supplies and promoted as beign effective for prevention of cavities. Fluoride though, has been found to be toxic for humans and is connected ot many health problems. These include central nervous system disruption, diabetes risk and cancer.

 Bottled water however is often no better than tap water, bottled water companies are not required to disclose the level of contaminants in their water, in many cases it is simply tap water which has been bottled. The National Resource Defence Council estimates that at least 25% of bottled water sold in the USA is tap water and 22% of the brands they tested contained contaminants above the level permitted by state health regulations. The best solution may be to purchase a high-quality filter that can be used at home to remove chlorine, fluoride and other pollutants from the water your drink and cook with.

Top Ten Foods That Fight Cancer

Foods have the ability to strengthen our immune system to fight cancer, increase antioxidants in our body which help to protect our cell's DNA and prevent cancer while also supporting our overall health. Our bodies have a natural tendency to want to heal, however we must assist our body to reach homeostasis and create an environment where they are able to fight off disease. We can do this by eliminating cancer causing foods and toxins and eating a diet full of cancer fighting immune supporting foods.  Whether you choose to undergo conventional cancer treatments or decide to follow a more natural approach, the list of cancer fighting foods below will help you to prevent and fight cancer and support optimal health. While conventional medicine downplays the importance of diet and lifestyle changes, it is important to realize that both of these factors are crucial in preventing cancer. The best way to start is by removing and detoxifying the body of as many toxins as possible which increase the risk of cancer and cause oxidation and weaken the immune system. The begin rebuilding the bodies cells form the ground up with healthy superfoods which fight cancer.

Starve The Cancer Cells

Adopt a ketogenic diet. Ketogenic diets have been scientifically proven to improve cancer recovery and have an anti tumour effect on cancer cells. A ketogenic diet is a very low carb diet with higher levels of protein and fat. Ketogenic diets help the body to metabolise fat while keeping blood sugar and insulin levels low. When the body is able to efficiently break down fat, or ketones as they are called, in the body to use as fuel, the body is fat adapted. Cancer cells primarily use glucose as their fuel and cannot utilise ketone bodies, therefore they starve and die on ketogenic diets.

Apart from the ketogenic diets ability to lower blood sugar and insulin levels while burning fat it also has other health protective benefits including reduced inflammation.

The best way to prepare the body for a ketogenic diet is to adopt an intermittent fasting routine. This involves not eating for periods of 12 to 16 hours each day which helps the body to begin the fat adaptation process. Contrary to what many believe, our bodies do not only fight cancer when we are diagnosed, cancer takes years to grow in our bodies and we are actually fighting and killing off cancer cells on a daily basis. So, eating foods that fight cancer is extremely important on a daily basis as well, whether you have been diagnosed with cancer or not. The list of foods below will help you to detoxify your body, strengthen the immune system and repair DNA, kill Cancer cells and stop their spread.

Top Cancer Fighting Foods


One of the most powerful anti-cancer foods is garlic. Garlic, especially raw garlic, along with its other close relatives in the Allium family including onions, leeks and shallots are some of the most powerful cancer fighting foods. Garlic and the rest of the allium family contain very powerful antioxidants like allicin that remove free radicals form the body. Garlic is also a valuable immune booster, it is anti-inflammatory, lowers blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and assist detoxification.

There are several studies that show and increase in the intake of garlic with a reduction in the risk of certain cancers, especially cancers of the stomach, colon, oesophagus, pancreas and breast. Other cancers that garlic and onion fight include oral, ovarian, endometrial, kidney and laryngeal cancers.

The caner fighting effect of garlic may be related to its antibacterial properties, or its ability to fight cancer causing substances, help repair DNA, reduce cell reproduction and induce cell death.

Brocolli, Broccoli Sprouts and Cruciferous Vegetables:

Broccoli is related to the whole cruciferous cancer-fighting vegetable family which includes cabbage, cauliflower, arugula, kale, collard greens and Brussel sprouts.  Broccoli and its cruciferous cousins have proven effective against many cancers, especially breast, cervical, gastric, prostate and liver cancer.

Broccoli contains high concentrations of powerful phytochemicals and antioxidants glucoraphanin and indole 3 carbinol, which are proven cancer fighting compounds which have a selective toxicity against cancerous cells while strengthening the bodies healthy cells. Cruciferous vegetables are known to be powerful cancer killers, and many are rich in glutathione, known as the master antioxidant because of its powerful free radical scavenging abilities. Most of all cruciferous vegetables are nutrient dense sources of a family of phytochemicals called isothiocyanates that are linked to cancer prevention. Broccoli sprouts contain some of the highest levels of cancer fighting compounds. Numerous studies have shown the highest caner protective properties tend to be concentrated in the sprouts about three days after sprouting. Broccoli is also naturally anti-inflammatory, good for the bones and the heart and nutrient dense, so it benefits overall health as well.

3. Green Tea: Gree Tea contains some uniquely powerful antioxidants call catechins that inhibit free radicals and have been shown in lab studies to kill and inhibit the growth of existing cancers and shrink tumours. Green Teas two main anti cancer compounds are EGCG and quercetin. Additionally Green Tea helps to promote the production of antioxidants glutathione and super oxide dismutase (SOD) which drastically lowers inflammation in the body. As an added benefit, gree tea reduces the risk of heaert disease, lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol while raising HDL (good) cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

4. Leafy Green Vegetables: Leaft green vegetables are one of the most important parts of a healthy diet since they are loaded with vitamins, minerals and atioxidnts and other beneficial phytonutreitns. Leafy greens especially bitter green like arugula, kale, watercress, collards and mustard greens are potent anti cancer foods.

Leafy greens are also high in vitamin C and methylfolate (an absorbable form of folci acid)  and beta carotene, all powerful antioxidants.

Leafy greens are also good sources of glucosinolates giving them antibacterial and anti viral  properties, helps to detoxify the body of carcinogenic substances, reprogram cancer cells to die and prevent tumour formation and metastasis. These natural chemicals are activated during chewing and digestion into biologically active caner killing compounds such as indoles, thiocyanates and isothiocyanates.

5.Ginger: Ginger is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory cancer fighting foods. Ginger has been shown to shrink tumours and destroy cancer stem cells, as effective a some chemotherapy medications. However, gimger has the ability to protect healthy cells while killing cancer stem cells.

Ginger contains a powerful compound 6-shogaol, that is highly effective in killing cancer stem cells in breast cancer, according to a study done in 2015. Shogaol was compared to the chemotherapy drug, Taxol, and curcumin from Turmeric. The compound found in ginger was found to be the most effective, especially against cancer stem cells. Taxol could not match the activity of the shogaol in ginger even at a 10,000 times increase.

Gimger extracts have been shiown in scientific studies to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti tumour effects on human cells, reducing key inflammatory indicators also reduced chances of cancer development, in addition to ginger’s tumour shrinking capabilities.

Ginger’s anti-nausea action is also very valuable to prevent nausea and vomiting as a result of chemotherapy from standard treatments.

6.Turmeric: The superfood turmeric ahs been valued as far back as 3000 BC and is one of the most important anti-cancer nutrients studied today. Curcumin is the yellow pigment that comes form turmeric and is one of the three known active ingredients in turmeric.  Curcumin has demonstrated incredible anti-cancer benefits. In countries where people eat turmeric daily as part of their diet, research ahs shown have lower rates of many types of cancers.

Over 2,000 stuides have been published that show curcumin combats cancer of the breast, prostate, liver, colon, lung, pancreas and more. Many of these studies have shown curcumin actually stops cancer cells form multiplying and brings about cancer cell death. Curcumins ability to fight cancer is superior to many chemotherapy drugs because it selectively kills cancer stem cells, leaving healthy cells intact.

Curcimin is currently beign tested in several clinical trials to treat cancer, including prostate, breast, colon and osteosarcoma. Curcumin can kill a wide variety of tumour cell types via sevral different mechanisms. Due to the variety of ways curcumin can cause cancer cell death, cancer cells are unlikjley to develop resisatcne to curcumin, unlike many chemotherapy drugs.

7.Mushrooms: Medicinal mushrooms have been sued for centuries all around the worldto enhnce and modulate the immune response. Some examples include reishi, maitake, mannetake and cordyceps. Research has demonstrated these varieties of mushrooms have unique anto-cncer, anti-inflammatory and liver protective properties.

Reishi mushrooms have been used in Chinese medicine for cancer treatments for many years. Reishi is also said to improve well being, strength and enhance health. Reishi mushrooms stimulate the immune system, diminish the unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy and protect the cells DNA.

Turkey Tail is another well known mushroom in alternative medicine. Studies have shown it improves survival rates, modulates the immune system and has anti tumour properties.

Cordyceps acts as an immune system stimulator by increasing cancer fighting T cells and natural Killer cells while prolonging the life and power of white blood cells. This increases the bodies ability to fight pathogens, infections and cancer. It has demonstrated anti-tumour properties and also protects the kidneys form chemotherapy.

Maitake mushroom works on the immune system. Studies have shiown that it can enhance two different immune system pathways. Helping it to fight infection and protecting the body from invaders like cncer. Maitake also protects cells with its antioxidant properties and decreases the inflammatory fctor COX2 enzyme so common in cncer physiology. Maitake also fights metastases and prevents the proliferation and spread of cancer.

Pomegranate: Pommegranates have been used for many years to treat a variety of diseases and illnesses like csncer. Pommegranates contain powerful antioxidants and are a rich source of anthocyanins, ellagitannins and hydrosable tannins.

Studies have shown that pomegranate has a multi-faceted effect against certain types of cancer which is one of the reasons they are so effective. They protect against DNA damage, prevent the spread of cancer in the body, decrease inflammation and protect healthy cells while causing cancer cell apoptosis (cell death). Pomegranate is effective against a wide variety of cancers.

9. Berries: Berries, including strawberries, rasberries, blue berries, cranberries, blackberries, cherries, elderberries and bilberries are all loaded with a cancer fighting phytochemical anthocyanin. Anthocyanin slows the growth of pre-malignant cancer cells and prevents new blood vessels form forming in cancerous tumours.

10. Orange Coloured Vegetables: The bright colours in vegetables is due to the high concentrations of phytochemicals, especially antioxidsnts called carotenoids which fight cncer. Other carotenoids include alphacarotene, betacarotene, lycopene, luetin and cryptoxanthin, which are all related to plant based vitamin A. Examples include citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, squash, red peppers, to,otoes and other bright red, orange and yellow vegetables. Betacarotene has been well studied and is known to be essential for a strong immune system, detoxing the body and fighting cancers of the skin, eyes and organs.

This list is by no means complete, there are literally hundredns of herbs, spcies and foods which fight cancer. By eating a variety of fresh, organic naturally raised foods along with limiting toxins in your diet and environment will help to prevent cancer and support healing.

In addition to the above cancer fighting foods, overall nutrition is extremely important. Try to get as many nutritious superfoods into your daily diet as you can to strengthen your body and immune system and support optimal health and longevity.

Be sure to include plenty of healthy proteins in your diet. Protein is essential to keep your body and immune system strong. Supplement your meals with small amounts of naturally raised grassfed and grass finished meats, organic, pasture raised poultry and eggs and wild caught fish. Meat, poultry and fish raised in a natural environment without added hormones, antibiotics or grin will nourish and protect your body.

Add in bine broth to sooth and heal the digestive system while fortifying the body. Bone broth is valuable to help soothe and remove inflammation in the gut. Often gut issues are a cause of overall inflammation in the body and one of the starting points for cancer growth.

Healthy fats are also key for good nutrition and optimal health. Avoid toxic processed vegetable oils and instead consume plenty of natural healthy fats like grassfed butter, organic unrefined coconut oil and high antioxidant extra virgin olive oil. Be sure to add in the cancer fighting healthy fats founds in unprocessed nuts, avocados and grassfed organic dairy products, especially cultured dairy products like organic unsweetened yogurt and unprocessed cheeses.

Don’t forget to also prioritise a healthy mindset, meditation, time to de stress and love your body and yourself. Your body needs your attention now to recover and regain your health. Give gratitude and appreciation for those supportive people in your life and appreciate living. Every day is a new opportunity to make positive changes and start living the life you want.  Take care and have faith.




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